Wrestling United Wiki


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Welcome to The E-Fedding Encyclopedia!

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Welcome to The E-Fedding Encyclopedia!
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Jeffrey Thomas Kearns (born October 16, 1981) better known by the ring name Jeff X, is an American professional wrestler. He is currently signed to the Omega Wrestling Alliance (OWA) where he performs on the Kingdom brand. Not only is he the new OWA World Champion, he's also our featured wrestler for the next month! Congratulations to you, Jeff! (Read More)


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The Wrestling United Encyclopedia.

  There are currently 682 articles and 1,931 images in our database
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MARCH 2021:

  • Wrestling United now has a board of directors. Check out the staff section below to learn who is leading the wiki now!
  • Need real-time help? Good news, we now have a Discord for that and more! If you want to join, scroll below and it'll be there.
  • We will be applying new graphic work within the next few weeks. Give us some opinions on our Discord!
  • Our main page and navigation bar will be modified to fit more relevant information for new and old users!
  • Want to help us edit and update pages? Let us know by contacting us on our Discord!


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