FUBAR/Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition (Swinging Uranage transitioned into an Anaconda Vice)
Plus Ultra (Shooting Star Senton)
Ouroboros (High-Angle Bridging Double-Legged Boston Crab)
Apexplex (Pop-Up Northern Lights Suplex)
Song of Storms (Jumping Superkick with theatrics)
Signature Moves[]
Rolling Koppu Kick
LARIATOOOOO! (Heat-seeking Lariat with theatrics)
Final Smash (Springboard Flying Forearm Smash)
Deus Ex Machina (Comeback sequence - forcing himself to remain on his feet before connecting with rapid-fire forearm smashes to the face with both arms until the opponent drops to their knees, followed by pulling them back up for a blunt headbutt to the skull)
Fireman’s Carry lifted into a European Uppercut
Dragon Punch (Discus Punch)
Diving Elbow Drop
Limit Break (Fireman’s Carry Neckbreaker followed by a Sliding