Wrestling United Wiki
Layne Kurobane
Layne Kurobane
"Not Dead Yet"
Birth name Unknown
Resides Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Professional wrestling career
Ring name(s) "The Stormbringer"
"The Jack of All Trades"
"Master of None"
Height 5 ft. 8 in.
Weight 280 lbs
Billed from The Steel City
Trained By Netero Kurobane
Debut 2018

Layne Kurobane is an American professional wrestler currently signed to Omega Wrestling Alliance. He is the current reigning OWA Spartan Champion.

Omega Wrestling Alliance[]

Wrestler Moveset[]

Finishing Moves[]

  • FUBAR/Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition (Swinging Uranage transitioned into an Anaconda Vice)
  • Plus Ultra (Shooting Star Senton)
  • Ouroboros (High-Angle Bridging Double-Legged Boston Crab)
  • Apexplex (Pop-Up Northern Lights Suplex)
  • Song of Storms (Jumping Superkick with theatrics)

Signature Moves[]

  • Rolling Koppu Kick
  • LARIATOOOOO! (Heat-seeking Lariat with theatrics)
  • Final Smash (Springboard Flying Forearm Smash)
  • Deus Ex Machina (Comeback sequence - forcing himself to remain on his feet before connecting with rapid-fire forearm smashes to the face with both arms until the opponent drops to their knees, followed by pulling them back up for a blunt headbutt to the skull)
  • Fireman’s Carry lifted into a European Uppercut
  • Dragon Punch (Discus Punch)
  • Diving Elbow Drop
  • Limit Break (Fireman’s Carry Neckbreaker followed by a Sliding
  • Forearm Smash to the back of the opponent’s head)
  • Slingshot Corkscrew Crossbody to the outside


Omega Wrestling Alliance[]

  • OWA Spartan Champion (1-time, current)