Wrestling United Wiki
Tarah Nova
Birth name Tarah Jay Rayas
Born (1982-08-19) August 19, 1982 (age 42)
Detroit, Michigan, U.S.
Residence Sacramento, California, U.S.
Partner Ralph Adler
Children 1, including Oliver Rayas
Professional wrestling career
Ring names Madam Nove
Tarah Nova
Height 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
Weight 133 lb (60 kg)
Billed from Detroit, Michigan
Trained by Madam Vega's Wrestling School For Girls
Dark Demon
Debut June 26th, 2007

Tarah Jay Rayas(born August 19, 1982) is an American professional wrestler, promoter, and graphic designer best known by the stage name Tarah Nova.

who, after 20 plus years of wrestling under her belt, decided to hang up her boots for good. She is currently running her own all Women's hardcore based wrestling company known as Slaughterhouse Wrestling. While she was an active wrestler, Moore was known for her sarcastic promoing skills and hardcore/headstrong attitude as well as being a big part of the start of Omega Wrestling Alliance (mostly the Olympus Brand), Lethal Angels of Wrestling.

Moore is also known as a two time Hall of Famer (being in Both OWA's and EAW's) and on of the fan favorites GM's in both companies when she was there.

Early Years[]

Nova was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. She was raised by her single Father, Jonathan Evans, the owner of the Michigan Bar: The Drop Box Bar. Nova doesn't recall her Childhood really, only that most of the years wasn't so pleasant living with her father. When Nova hit her late teens, she was kicked out of her home and spent a few days on the streets of Detroit till she was met by Madam Vega, The owner of Madam Vega's Wrestling School for Girls. After Madam Vega took Nova in, she spent two years living with the Vega Family, training along side of them as a wrestler. During that time with the Vega's, Nova went to Southwestern High School located in the Southwest part of Detroit, Michigan. In 2000, Nova graduated from High School and went on to continue her wrestling training with the Vega's. While training, Nova wrestled in Detroit's Indies district till she was called up to her first professional Wrestling Company in 2008.

World Wrestling Association[]

Trickster Wanted[]

Tarah Nova first started out in a small company called the World Wrestling Association (WWA). Her goals there was to make Mischief and win championships. Only one of those Goals where met before the company closed. The moment Tarah Nova walked threw the doors of WWA, the company was changed. Either it was by her skills in the ring or the pranks she played on her fellow wrestlers, Tarah left her mark in there. After three long months of being in WWA, Tarah and the other Stunners were thrown into a Royal Rumble to see which one of them would be in the World Heavyweight Championship Tournament. In the end, Tarah Nova won the Royal Rumble by throwing CM Chloe out to be placed in WHC Tournament. Sadly, not a week before the Tournament was due to start, WWA shut down due to lack of wrestlers.

Answers Wrestling Federation[]

The Pipe-bombshell Movement[]

Answers Wrestling Federation (AWF) was where Tarah Nova found her voice. Just like WWA, she started growing into a better wrestler and even more into a hot headed young woman. Since joining AWF, Tarah found it hard not to notice the lack of respect from the superstars, especially from the AWF Champion himself, Mr DEDEDE. The superstars in AWF didn't care about the Dominas matches or even if they were on the show and after weeks of them pushing the Dominas around, Tarah Nova finally snapped. In the middle of an Number One Contenders match for AWF Empress Championship, Mr DEDEDE came out to the ring, costing Tarah the match. That was the last straw for her. After the

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Nova dropping her Pipebomb on Mr. DEDEDE

music stopped, Tarah got into Mr DEDEDE's face and dropped one of the biggest pipe-bombs any Domina had done. The following week, Tarah came out and demanded a new contract with it saying she was the number one contender for Mr DEDEDE's championship or she quits. Shockingly, Tarah bullied her way into getting her new contract.

Nova VS Stone[]

However, her happy days were short lived when the Southern Domina, Alexius Stone, came on the scene and stole Tarah's new contract. With Alexius Stone holding onto Tarah's contract, Tarah was back to demanding for a match--only this time, it was for her own contract. There was new found rage running through Tarah Nova's veins and nothing was going to stop her from get her contract back. Each week when ever Alexius or Tarah had a match, the other was out there waiting for the right time to attack. After a month of the random attacks on each others, AWF's president James Shield gave Tarah what she wanted a Match. The match called "Tarah's Million Dollar Contract' match" was long and brutal. In the middle of the match, Tarah turned the tables on Alexius, ending the match with a fetal blow from a Trickshot. As the new number one contender for AWF Championship, nothing was going to stand in her way.

Nova VS DEDEDE and The end of AWF[]

Nova VS DEDEDE went on to be one of the must see matches of AWF's history. One represented all of the Female wrestlers that has ever step foot into a ring and the other represented the old school wrestlers. The match went on for about 30 minutes. Closing to the end on the match, Tarah knocked DEDEDE out--or so she thought. When she moved in for the pin, DEDEDE rolled her up and got the pin himself. With Tarah failing on beating Mr.DEDEDE that day, she went into a depressed state and slowly faded out of the lime light of AWF. Months pasted and Tarah was getting ready to return but close to her return, AWF closed down. Jobless, Tarah finally gave up and moved to the one company that she knew would never close.

Extreme Elite Answers Wrestling[]

Straight Edge Vixen[]

After AWF, Tarah Nova was called to the best company in the world: Extreme Elite Answers Wrestling. In the beginning of her days in EAW, Tarah Nova brought in her outside world to the ring. Being the only Straight Edge ever in EAW gave her a chip on her shoulder and made her think she was better then the others. Tarah first made her debut against a Wild card Vixen named Kristina. While the match against Kristina didn't last more then a couple of minutes, Nova showed the Vixens locker Room that she wasn't a force to be reckoned with. As the days went on, Tarah grew better and better, facing Vixens like Whitney, Raine, Stephie Love and even the tag team of Vanessa and The Vixens Champion, Cassandra or better known as The Lyndivias. At the EAW's event: Dynasty vs. Showdown,

Tarah Nova was thrown into a tag team match where she teamed with Stephie Love against The Lyndivias. Starting the match against the Vixens Champion, Tarah showed Cassandra that she's wasn't just any normal newbie Vixen. While forcing the Champion into a corner with hard hits and attacks, Tarah landed a hard elbow to the nose of Cassandra; breaking it. All through the match Nova showed her dominance against the Lyndivias till she was forced tagged back Stephie Love. After that, Stephie Love was mauled by Vanessa and was finished off by a Tragic Expression by bleeding Cassandra. With a huge loss under Tarah Nova's belt, she began to push herself harder then ever before.

Everyone Has A Dark Side[]

A Month after Tarah Nova debuted, she was recruited by a man named Dark Demon, Leader of a Team called "Demon’s Council". At the time of the recruitment, Demon's Council was feuding against Tarah's old indie friend, Zack Crash. Now on a team and fueled by this new found rage towards Crash, Nova started to fight more dirty and faze into a dark point in her life. As the Feud between Demon and Zack went on, Tarah found herself in a lot more matches against headline wrestlers like Matt Miles, Jaywalker, Heart Break Boy and Cameron Ella Ava. Just like in AWF, however, the Elitists believed that while their were in the ring, Vixens shouldn't be. They even went as far as saying to Tarah, "Your just a Vixen, what can a Vixen do?". Hearing this pushed her and made her want to show them herself that they were wrong.

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Nova as apart of Demon’s Council

Match after match, Nova, with Eddie Mack and Lucian Black by her side, showed fellow wrestlers that a Vixen can do whatever an Elitists can. After a while, Tarah found herself dragged into the middle of the Demon and Zack feud. She was placed in a match where she teamed up with Eddie Mack and Lucian Black against Zack Crash at Reckless Wiring. From the get go, Demon's Council was in control and it wasn't looking good for Zack as Team of Nova, Mack and Black took him down with deadly blows. Closer to the end of the match, Tarah found herself in a world of pain as she was speared through the ropes from fellow team partner, Lucian Black due to Crash dodging the spear. As Black attended to Nova, Mack was Stabbed in the mid-section with a shard of wood and hit with the "Rebel Yell" by Zack Crash; ending the match. After the loss to Zack Crash, Tarah and Demon's Council started to slowly drift apart when the true leader of the Council was shown--Cleopatra.

With the team under Cleopatra control, Tarah started to rebel against the team. Match after match, Tarah found herself blaming Cleopatra for her fails. When it came to the match against THOR at Dia Del Diablo was really the turning point for Tarah's Career. She was placed on the with Dark Demon and Cleopatra. As the match went on, the team couldn't get along and because of that, Tarah was the first one eliminate from the match due to being set on fire by Venom. After that night, Nova was hospitalized with third degree burns and was out of action for about 4 months.

The Return/Rise of The Vixen Killer[]

Four months later on a Episode of Showdown, Tarah Nova made her return home. While Cleopatra spoke about change within the Team of Demon's Council, Tarah appeared out of know where and attacked the Hall of Famer. after that fetal attack, Nova took her spot back by Demon's side--only for a short while. Later that same night, Tarah turned the tables on Demon and double crossed him to team with her fellow Detroit wrestler, Xavier Williams. Now with Xavier Williams feuding with against Dark Demon, Tarah had her eyes on his Queen, Cameron Ella Ava. The rivalries began after Tarah was kidnapped by Dark Demon and she swore to after she got saved, that she would kill the thing he loved the most--Cameron. On a taping of a Voltage, Tarah came out and assaulted the Hall of Fame Champion, scarring Cameron's face with a blade in the process. A week after, Cameron came out, spotting the scar, and promised Tarah’s downfall and they were granted a Blackout match at EAW's Shock Value. The Blackout match was long and brutal, showing how deadly Tarah Nova truly was. It started with Cameron having the upper hand but Tarah slowly took charge, taking the match outta the ring and up high over the stage. Tarah took the match to the top of the


Nova facing off against Cameron Ella Ava at Shock Value 2014

Mini tron and tricked Cameron into following her. With both Vixens ten feet in the air, brutal fists and kicks were thrown from both sides. After sending a kick to Cameron's face, Cam started to bleed and started to get blood in her eye. Tarah, wasting little time, quickly sent elbows into Cameron but she grabbed Nova and bashed hr skull off the metal structure that they were on. Both Vixens were hanging onto the side, kicking and sending blows to each other but with one swift boot to the face, Tarah knocked Cameron Ella Ava off the mini-tron and down into the electric equipment. With the impact of Cameron's body hitting the electric equipment, it explodes and sends electricity surging through Cameron Ella Ava's body, making Tarah winning the match. After the match, while Cameron was being carried out, Tarah stole the Hall of Fame Championship and started to claimed the title as her own. The Voltage after, Tarah had a funeral for Cameron Ella Ava and spoke how she am power to take the Hall of Fame Championship from her cold, dead hands. After showing photos of the hellish match at Shock Value, Cameron's music hit, showing a skipping Cherish dressed as Cameron Ella Ava. Tarah watched as the ghost of 'Cameron' skipped and laughed around the ring. But after that moment, the real Cameron appeared, attacking Tarah and went to steal back her championship but Nova was quicker. At the end of it all, Nova and Ava went on to feud for two month till the next FPV, where Ava was the victor of the feud.

Start of a New Age[]

Now fueled with Blind Fury and rage, Tarah went on a 'killing' spree; trying to find her place within the ranks of the division. Over the time span of August 2014 to the beginning of 2015, Nova single-handedly cleaned out the Vixens division and even turned on her own best friend, Xavier Williams during his feud with Lucian Black. After that, One by one, Tarah ended careers of Vixens as she tried to show her dominance within the brand. While she was on her Rampage, Tarah found herself in the number one contenders match at Fighting Spirit against Haruna. She had man fights before her but never one this important. It was at that Super Show where Tarah won her opportunity to go against Lethal, who was the current Vixens Champion. Before the match against lethal for The Vixens championship, the EAW universe was given an voting board to see which Vixens' finishing move would be banned from the match. Luckily, it was Lethal's finisher that was banned which led to her downfall. During the match at Reckless wiring, Tarah used Lethal's own finisher against her; winning the match. So on March 21st, 2015 Tarah Nova captured her first Championship in EAW and marking that day of when the Age of Nova began.

Age of Nova/Welcome to the FreakShow[]

Throughout Tarah Nova's Title reign as The Vixens champion, she continued to dominate as the top heel in the division. For months she took on Vixens like Haruna, Maddie and Cherish who were her three main rivals she continued to Feud with throughout holding the title. While ruling the Vixens' Division, Tarah became tag team partner with her at the time Boyfriend, Zach Genesis.

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Nova as Vixens Champion

The Team was called: Team Freaks. They teamed together only a few times due to both of them holding individual titles at the time. Now throughout this whole Title reign Tarah had as Vixens' Champion, she was faced with the biggest match in her career. She was forced to defend her Championship at Pain for Pride 8 against the entire Vixens deficient. Once the match was official, many people in the company believed Tarah would lose the title due to being the odd woman out but once Pain for Pride came closer; people started to realized her actual worth. On June 28th, 2015, Tarah Nova retained her Championship at Pain for Pride 8 by pinning Haruna after hitting her rare move Suicide X on her. After the match while Tarah was celebrating her win was when she was attacked from behind by Maddie; A Vixen who Tarah harassed throughout the whole year before. That blindsided attack by Maddie lead Tarah to rethinking the way she became champion and at a EAW house show, Tarah admitted to the EAW universe that she made a monster within Maddie and was going to fix her wrongs. With Tarah now as the top face in the company, she went on to feuding with Madison for. While the feud against Madison went on, Tarah and Genesis broke up for unknown reasons which threw Nova off her game for a number of weeks. Now several months after the feud began, Madison and Tarah found themselves match at Midsummer Massacre against each other. Although it was a close call, Tarah retained her championship against Madison; continuing her reign as Vixens champion but to only lose it to Maddie two months later on October 2nd, 2015, ending the Age of Nova. After losing the championship, Tarah took 14 weeks off to both rethink her career and nurse herself back to health.

Back and born to Lead[]

After 14 weeks off the road, Tarah returned to EAW on an episode of Dynasty; attacking Madison during her rematch for the Vixens Championship against Eris LeCava, re-fueling her feud with Madison which started at Pain for Pride 8. This attack on Madison lead to a match between the two at King of Elite. Before her match, Tarah was confronted back her old flame, Zach Genesis, who attempted to revive their relationship; only for Tarah to tell him she was 'of the market'. As he questioned her, Mr. DEDEDE came into view; kissing Tarah in front of Genesis and making their romantic relationship publicly known to the EAW universe. After that Segment, Tarah had her match which resulted in Tarah winning it via DQ due to Madison brutally attacking Tarah; slicing her throat with barbed wire. As the feud went on, Tarah debuted a new nickname, calling herself the "Leader of the Vixens Division" due to the fact that if it wasn't for her back as the Vixen Killer, there wouldn't be a Vixens Division to begin with. On March 13th at EAW's FPV: The Vixens cup, is were the feud against Madison took on a whole new level of hate between the girls. In the first round of the Vixens Cup, the two had one of Tarah's favorite kinds of matches: A death match. Due to the hate between them, it was made into a brutal match, possibly one of the most gruesomeness matches in EAW history. During the match thought, the light shut off, and Eclipse Diemos with the rest of The Sanatorium where surrounding the ring. While DEDEDE and Eclipse getting physically involved with the feud, fighting out side of the ring as the rest of the Sanatorium interfere in side the ring; which lead to costing Tarah the match night one. After a week off, Tarah came back and on the March 21st Battleground at SXSW, Tarah teamed up with then her boyfriend, Mr. DEDEDE and her best friend/Specialist Champion Cailin Dillon to face The Sanatorium (Eclipse Diemos, Alexis Diemos and Madison Kaline) and Hexa-gun (Y2Impact, Heart Break Gal and Eris LeCava). The contest concluded with Tarah Nova stomping Alexis' head into cinder blocks twice, putting her out of action and also showing the Sanatorium they were messing with the wrong Vixen.

At Reckless Wiring 2016, Tarah was in a match for the Vixens Championship against the Champion at the time, Eris LeCava and Madison Kaline; which Tarah lost due to a 'ON’NA', Belly to Belly from LeCava. After the match while Tarah was checking her leg, the lights went off and a video started to play on the titantron; showing her shots of herself pulling away the steel chair from Lucian Black; and hitting Xavier Williams instead. As the lights appeared back on, the Barbed Wire Steel Cage was lowered with Caine Kronin and Rex McAllister inside it with her. Just then 'Dream On' became to play as Xavier Williams appeared from the backstage area.

Specialist Champion Run (TBA)[]

The Sirens (TBA)[]

The Start of a New Era[]

Two weeks after the hellish match against Brody Sparks for the Specialist Championship, Tarah Nova arrived unannounced to Empire to call out the at the time GM Cleopatra. Nova went on to saying how Cleo was to blame for all the losses she took in the number of weeks leading up to this point. After a few moments, Cleo came out to the ring with security guards on her tail; sending them to take care of Nova but Nova had other plans. Once the security guards entered the ring, Nova attacked but after sending on out of the ring with a Ether, the numbers began to get too much for her.


Nova as apart of the Fatal Four way at Empire's Terminus Super show

After being grabbed by security, Cleo began to mock Nova which led to Nova spitting in the GM's face and her getting dragged out of the arena. On April 20th, Cleo made it public that Tarah Nova was Suspended from Empire but that didn't keep Nova away. After a few moments of Cleo Mocking Nova once again, Tarah made her percents known to the GM by catcalling her from the front row. This caused the GM to send, once again, her security guards after Nova but that plan back fired due to Tarah coming in as a paying customer. Furious by being out witted by Nova, Cleo tried to out smart Nova by ripping her ticket up and sending her packing. Once the security guards dragged Tarah Nova off, Cleo made her way to the back but was quickly speared to the by Nova, who slipped away from the guards. After the Sp.ear, Nova started to attack the GM which lead to Tarah picking Cleo up onto her shoulders and almost hitting her move: The Murder City Plunge off the stage but Nova was quickly stopped by security. While the feuding with the GM went on, Tarah Nova found herself in a four way match at Empire's Terminus Super show for a chance to be in the Extreme Enigma Elimination Match at Pain for Pride X against Azumi Goto, Kimi Hendrix and Amelie Larrieux. After the eliminations of Larrieux (eliminated by Goto) and Hendrix (eliminated by Nova), the match came down to Goto and Nova as the final two but after a back & forth battle; Nova defeated Goto with The Murder City Plunge onto Nova's exposed knee for the win. While Tarah Nova celebrated her win, Cleopatra made her way out to Congratulated Nova but Nova had a different plan for the night. After cutting Cleo off, Tarah Nova made an ground breaking announcement for Pain for Pride X; that it was going to be Tarah Nova vs Cleopatra at Pain for Pride X for the control of Empire and if Nova won, Cleo would not over be out of the job as GM of Empire but fully fired from EAW forever.

A week after the match of Nova vs Cleo was made for Pain for Pride X, Cleo came out to the ring; attempting to make a mends with The Vixen Killer. Nova, on the other hand, only pushed on the match to happen harder; bringing up the weeks of petty attacks that Cleo set up for Nova and how she had the prefect match set for them: A DEATH MATCH but Cleo had a different idea. Cleo quickly turned the tables on Nova, changing the match from a Death Match to a Barb-wire Death Match which Tarah quickly accepted.

The Killer in the Hall of Fame/Pain of Pride X[]

In the middle of the feud against Cleopatra and getting ready for the Extreme Enigma Elimination Match, on May 11th; Tarah Nova was announced to be inducted into EAW's Hall of Fame. She was inducted mostly for her dominating reign as the Vixens Champion in 2014/Specialist Champion in 2015 and how much of a Leader she was to her Division. On June 23th, Nova was inducted into the Hall of Fame by her frenemy-like best friend Xavier Williams and her Boyfriend, Nasir Moore.

The day after the Hall of Fame, Nova went into one of her most roughest matches up to date against Cleopatra for the ownership of Empire and after a bloody filled fifteen minutes, Tarah Nova ended up defeating Cleo with The Murder City Plunge to the skull of a already lifeless Cleo. After day one of Pain for Pride X and the match against Cleopatra, Nova went in for her second match on Day two which was the Extreme Enigma Elimination Match. Nova was the first to be eliminated in the match; making her Pain for Pride record: Three wins - One Loss.

Tarah Nova: GM of Empire[]

After the win over Cleopatra in the Bared-Wire Death Match, Tarah took her official role of GM on July 6th; where she told every woman on the roster that she will make Empire better then before. While in the middle of the 'meeting',

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Nova as the GM of Empire

Tarah jokingly fired long time rival Sakazaki but started to laugh right after; saying it was a joke. After that night, the personal feud between Nova and Sakazaki started to spill on air; adding an uneasy feel to the backstage area.

Tarah Nova vs Haruna Sakazaki: End of The Line[]

Tarah Nova and Haruna Sakazaki had a long-running rivalry dating back to their Vixens Championship number one contender's match at Fighting Spirit I. The bad blood grew exponentially following the Vixens Championship match at Pain for Pride 8, where Nova pinned Sakazaki in the aforementioned handicap match to retain the title. They crossed paths several more times in the months that followed, and by the time Nova became the Empire General Manager in the summer of 2017, Sakazaki believed that a "conspiracy", of sorts, was being mounted against her. Sakazaki was suspended after slapping Nova. She returned on September 14th, getting into a heated confrontation with her. After things got physical, Nova announced that the rivalry would come to an end at last at Manifest Destiny, and the match would be contested under Last Ride rules. On September 23rd, after a bloody war before herself and Sakazaki; Nova defeated Sakazaki after hitting Nasir Moore's finisher: 'Ether' on her and sending her into the casket before shutting the hearse's door on Sakazaki.

The Killer Strikes Twice[]

After the match with Sakazaki, Nova went back to her GM post for a short while till the so called 'Last Vixen' Sheridan Muller returned to Empire. For weeks after her return, Muller would come out and bash on the division; claiming that she is the soul reason behind Empire. A feud between Nova and Muller was sparked after an Empire Addressed was announced, where Tarah bluntly attacked Muller for 'leaving Empire with her tail between her legs'. After the Address, Muller started to attack Nova for everything she stood for till Nova agreed to face Muller at Bloodletter; which forced Tarah Nova to be fired as GM of Empire. On December 7th after a hellish back and forth match, Tarah Nova was defeated by Sheridan Muller with the help of Azumi Goto and Haruna Sakazaki, who became Muller's sidekicks after that night as The Axes. After Bloodletter, Nova disappeared from EAW TV till January 6 at EAW's FPV King of Elite where Tarah Nova made her presents known there by attacking Sheridan Muller with her Barbwired Baseball Bat during Muller's entrance for her Open Weight Championship match. The attack went on for a few moments, before Nova was pulled off of her but it was too late for Muller. Later that night, on the EAW website it was reported that Sheridan Muller was forced to retire from EAW due to the attack by Tarah Nova.

After retiring Sheridan Muller from EAW, Nova was found herself at odds once again with Stephanie Matsuda due to Matsuda turning on her and Aria Jaxon during the Muller feud. On the Empire after King of Elite, Nova attacked Matsuda during her match against Andrea Valentine, causing GM Flannery McCoy to suspend Nova the next Empire. Once, the Suspension was up, McCoy placed Nova and Matsuda in a tag team match in order to get them to 'get along' but the match never took place due to Matsuda and Nova both being attacked before the match took place. The followed week, it was brought to light that Matsuda step up the attack on herself and Nova. Weeks after the planned attack, Tarah was placed into the match called The Iconic Cup Eight Match which was for the FPV The Iconic Cup, a tribute show for the late Brody Sparks. The week before the FPV, Nova was thrown into a match against Savannah Sunshine which she won via a Rude Awakening. Then on March 1, before her match, Tarah was seen speaking to a man but before Flannery could confront Nova; she left for her match. Later that night, Tarah Nova was the first to be eliminate from the Iconic Cup Eight Match; shocking the world. On the Empire after the Iconic Cup, Tarah Nova took center stage and finally relieved who the man she was seen speaking too. She told the world that she was no longer a member of the Empire Brand and she signed a new contact for to become a Dynasty member instead to reach for her goal of becoming EAW Hardcore Champion.

New Home, Old Ways[]

After her segment on Empire, on Match 16th, Tarah Nova made her move to Dynasty known when she was brought out by GM of Dynasty StarrStan. Nova came out, with her barbwired baseball in hand, only to point it Jon McAdams;

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Nova after her last match in EAW

warning him that she was here for one thing and one thing only: The EAW Hardcore Championship. After arriving to the Dynasty Roster, Tarah Nova showed up at Showdown's Supershow: Battle Without Honor Or Humanity as Sydney St. Clair's back up during her segment with Cameron Ella Ava and Heart Break Gal; better known as Di Consentes. But once again Nova shocked the world by turning her back on her student and dear friend when it was relieved that the Nova now the newest member of Di Consentes. March 23rd, Tarah Nova had her first and last match on Dynasty; adding Dustin Benningtion to her Hit List. After her match that night, Nova and the chairman, Mr. DEDEDE, butted heads over another company that Nova worked in. It all ended with Nova telling DEDEDE and I quote "Fuck you and Fuck off. Go fall in a pit with EAW", leading to Nova flipping the bird to the Chairman and walking out of EAW for good. With Tarah Nova's departure with EAW; her Boyfriend/Current Answers World Champion, Nasir Moore (Was known as Nasir Escobar in EAW) and the EAW Women's Champion, Aria Jaxon followed her lead and left EAW within hours after her; smiles on their faces.

Strong Style Wrestling[]

Hardcore meets Strong Style//Heaven's Arena Tour[]

In Mid March 2018, Nova signed with the Japan-based company known as Strong Style Wrestling while still signed with EAW, which led to her departing with them only days hours after her new company: SSW. On March 23rd, Nova was made Leader of the SSW team known as Ronin after Stark stepped down. As the new Leader, Nova led the team of herself and Ronin's loveable goofball, Piero, to capturing and becoming the first ever FreeBird Tag Team Champions at SSW's Exodus; the first PPV back as a company.

On April 7th it was announced that Nova would take part of the Heaven's Arena Tour; her first round match against Kilimanjaro happening on the 14th of April. On April 14th, Nova defeated Kilimanjaro in a number of seconds after he went for a spear but missed; which led Nova to counter with a roll up, winning the match. When the second round of the Heaven's Arena Tour took place, Nova went up against Shoot Nation's Masanori Kawada. The match went for sometime, both fighting with full respect for each other. In the end, Nova was defeated by Kawada after he hit his move: Titan Bomb (A sitout crucifix powerbomb). After the Match, Kawada helped Nova to her feet before rising her arm in the air for the SSW crowd to give her an applause. After being taken out of the Heaven's Arena Tour; Nova came out the next week to Challenge three others from the Stables to a number one contenders match to see who can be the next opponent for the Heritage Champion, Khmaoch Sângkât. Due to the challenge, at Supremacy the fetal four way was between Tarah Nova, Kerry Keller, Jun Nobunaga and new comer; Shinati Mizarki. At the end, it was Nova that caught the win by hitting her move 'Rude Awakening' on a fallen Nobunaga. Later that night, Nova made her presents known to the Heritage Champion, Khmaoch Sângkât, by appearing in the ring after his win.

Weeks later, Nova went against Sângkât in a Deathmatch for the Heritage Championship which Tarah was booked to win but after a few weeks of dealing with personal problems, she asked to be let go of her contact with SSW before the match was held.

Omega Wrestling Alliance[]

The ShockCallor Arrives//Wolf vs Wolf; the Beginning[]

After joining SSW, Nova was signed as a part time wrestler with Omega Wrestling Alliance in March 2018. Her first appearance on OWA TV was in the segment with the owner of the of OWA as he showed off the Goddess Division. The following week, on April 22nd, Nova was placed in the main event against Megan Harper (Known as EAW's Megan Raine) for the second rounds of the OWA's Women's Championship tournament.


Nova in a CM Nas "Best Wrestler Alive" shirt, awaiting her opponent at a house show

During the match against Harper, the lights went out and Kenny Drake appeared behind Nova. Once she turned around, Drake attacked her with his umbrella before hitting her with his move 'The Killing Joke' and pulling Harper's body over Nova's; helping Harper advance to the semi-finals. After the attack by the hands of Kenny Drake, on April 29th, Nova turned the tables on Drake by leaving him a gift in the center of the ring during his match against Scotty Adams. The gift (That was a Wolves' Head) distracted Drake, costing him the match. After the Match, Nova appeared on the titantron to speak to Drake about playing games with her which ended with Nova placing herself in a Barbwire Ropes Death Match against Kenny Drake at OWA's first PPV: Hardcore Havoc. On May 13th, Nova endorsed a one hour and one second long high stakes, high risked Barbwire Ropes Death Match against Kenny Drake. throughout the match, it was a back and forth war between two wolves but in the end, Nova defeated Drake after he handed her her own signature barbwired baseball bat and him allowing Nova to strike him in the skull with it to win the match.

Bittersweet War-zone[]

After the Deathmatch against Drake, Nova was put on medical leave for a week due to the injuries she revealed during said match. Nova was seen backstage on the May 20th episode of KINGDOM, where she was confronted by Miltiades about her boyfriend CM Nas which she shot back at him; saying she wasn't his keeper. Miltiades then raised his fist to her as she egged him on to hit her, only for him to retreat. On May 27th, Nova came out to Nas' aid after he was attacked by Miltiades; fighting both him and Stark off. After the attack, Nova went to help her boyfriend up but was pushed away by him before he left the ring; leaving Nova there alone. After getting the cold shoulder from her Boyfriend, on June 3rd, Nova confronted Nas which ended up with him telling her that they are a couple but when it comes to the OWA Heavyweight Championship, they are competitors first. The same night, on the OWA Feed it was announced that Tarah Nova was going to be fighting against Miltiades for the number one contenters spot for the OWA Heavyweight Championship. On June 10th, Miltiades defeated Nova for that spot against CM Nas at Boiling Point. A week after GAME OVER, OWA held its first Draft where on June 17th, Tarah Nova became the second Alpha to be drafted to OWA's new brand: OLYMPUS.

Fight For TV Gold[]

After the drafted, Nova found herself placed in a fetal four way match at the upcoming PPV Boiling Point against Bull Connors, Stark and Christopher Sabertooth for a chance to fight against the TV Champion, Gareth Cason. In the weeks before that Boiling Point match up, Nova was paired up against Connors against Sabertooth and Stark in a tag match which she won via a Ether to Stark. After the match ended, Nova was quickly blinded sided by Connors and was left in the middle of the ring. On the following show, Nova started to play mind games with Connors and the others


The Poster for Wolf v Wolf I

as the PPV was arriving fast. The night of Boiling Point, Nova defeated Sabertooth, Connors and Stark's replacement; David X Fierce in a fatel four way by hitting her move 'Rude Awakening' on the down X Fierce. After the match, Nova went to Cason, who was watching over the match and did her Boyfriend's signature taunt to him. The following week Nova and Cason shared words before she watched him defeat Zak Zero, showing her he meant business. On Aug 8th, Nova was placed into a match against Zak Zero and won via pin. The night of Burning Sky, Nova was defeated by Gareth Cason due to the interference of her old rival: Kenny Drake.

WOLF VS WOLF II: HEAVEN'S DEN//Joining Wolvesden[]

After the interference in the TV Championship match by Kenny Drake, Nova went out onto a hunt for The Wolf by invading Sunday Night Kingdom and wrecking his locker room as a warning she was coming for blood. In the weeks after the two remind to play mind games with each other till Drake made up a deal with Nova: Have another match but if she lost, she must join Wolvesden. At Vindication, Nova and Drake fought in a Heaven's Den match located on the base of Wolvesden. The Match went on the full of the night till Nova was jumped by the Wolves and weakened till she had no fight in her left. She was defeated by Drake and became the newest member of WOLVESDEN. For three months, Nova was forced to live with the DRAKES inside Heaven's Den. She was forced to do the dibbing of Drake in any match he needed her in but she still fought back against his control.


In early December, after months without seeing her children & Husband; Nova finally had enough with Drake and left the den. It was that action and many others that led into the WOLF v WOLF III only this time if Tarah Nova wins, She would be allowed to go home but if she lost; she would be forced to become a nameless Wolf forever under the control of Kenny. At REVELATIONS, with her Husband CM Nas by her side; Tarah Nova defeated Kenny Drake by


Killer Alpha Squad (Tarah Nova & Bull Connors)

forcing Niki Kan (Kenny's Wife) to throw in the towel to save the life of her husband before the dome electrified. Later in the Nova was once again seen in ring, helping her husband defeat John Doe and save OWA from Phantom Troupe.


After returning to OLYMPUS, Nova went up against Gareth Cason in her "Welcome Home" match but was defeated by him. The next Olympus was a different story for Tarah was she up against Christoper Sabertooth, another old rivel of hers. She was about to get the upper hand during the match which led her to the win. After the Match, Bull Connors came out and asked Tarah to be his tag team partner in the fight for the Openweight Tag Team Championship Gold; which accepted. A week before CLASH OF THE TITANS, Nova was in a Four Way match with three other matches of the tag team she would be facing off against at the Clash. At the end of the match, Nova was pinned by Sweet Roxy due to a Powerbomb by Maggell. On February 3rd, Killer Alpha Squad (Tarah Nova and Bull Connors) went up against the teams of Heart & Seoul, The Dollhouse and Phantom Troupe for the OpenWeight Tag Team Championship; which ended with K.A.S. becoming the NEW OpenWeight Tag Team Champions Via by Nova pinning Hunter Goodwin for the win. After winning the OpenWeight Tag team Championships with her best friend, Nova was thrown into a Omega Heavyweight Championship Tournament; facing off against Christoper Sabertooth and Gareth Cason.


Once pinning Cason and losing the OpenWeight Tag Team Championship's to the Wild Boys, Tarah went onto facing off against her husband Nasir Moore at OLYMPUS' supershow: Scorched Earth which ended in a double count out which led to Final Destination's Main Event becoming a Triple Threat Match against Tarah Nova vs CM Nas vs Jacob Senn. The weeks between her first match against her beloved husband and the second one (With Jacob Senn thrown into it) felt like years for Tarah.

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Nova as the Omega Heavyweight Champion

It was hard to say the least but she walked into Final Destnation 1 with her head held up high and a smile on her; ready to become champion. When the main event of Final Destination 1 happened, It was a hell of a match to say the least. the triple threat was a back and forth match between CM Nas and Nova for most of the parts with Senn throwning hard hits between the couple--but after a long and painful match; Tarah Nova defeated her husband and Jacob Senn to become the OMEGA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION in the main event of FD1.

The first OLYMPUS as Omega Heavyweight Champion, Nova was let known that she was being watched carefully over by her two best friends in the locker room: The (at the time) Briefcase of the Heavens winner: Gareth Cason and the God of War Match Winner: Bull Connors. It was a hard spot for her but she was a fighting Champion. The next Olympus, Tarah faced off against Nobi with her Championship on the line but still--- Nova defeated Nobi with her move RUDE AWAKENING. After her match against Nobi ended, Bull came out saying it was her was time for him to fight her and the place: Boiling Point 2.


The beginning of Slaughterhouse Wrestling[]

to be added.

Novacaine Design Team[]

Out side of the wrestling ring, Nova to worked along side with the EAW Design Team starting around early 2016. Nova helped design new Logos, Custom Made Ring Gear, Posters and other promotional marketing items for the Women's Division. In an interview with EAW Network, Tarah stated that 'It was just another way for her to give back to the Women's Division and every girl in it.' Nova has designed ring gear for many EAW Women such as Aria Jaxon, HBG, Cameron Ella Ava and just to name a few. After the loss of Beloved Female Elitist, Brody Sparks, Tarah deigned Blue tribute gear and armbands with Sparks' emblem on it for the Empire girls as well as some of the Male Elitist that were close with her. In mid 2017, Nova was pushed to the head of the Design Team which began her 'branching out' from the Women's Division and started to design new Logos for the Male Elitist brands. After Nova walked out of EAW, she started her own 'On The Road' Design Team called "Novacaine Designs". She still makes custom logos, ring gear etc for her and her closest friends. In late April, Nova added Titantrons to her Novacaine Design items that she currently makes for the OWA roster members.

Nova's Hit List[]


Tarah Nova as Negan 2018

Over the five years of being in EAW, Tarah has kept a list of Men and Women that she has retired/semi-retired or 'up on the shelf' since debuting. The list contains the names of Alex “Left Eye” Lopez, Carmen Diaz, Clarissa Scarlet, Sapphire Sky, Stephie Love, Nikki Nevermore, Kristina, Whitney, Anastasia, Ms.Vicious, Cleopatra and Lethal. Even her long time friend and mentor; Liam Catterson made his way on her list as the first person she attacked and hospitalized while with Demon's Council. Since Pain For Pride 8, three new names were added to the Hit List: Trinity & Velocity Rampage, and her former best friend; Cherish. Recently, names like Cherise and Amelie Larrieux have been added to her list. On January 6th, Tarah Nova would bring about the end of Sheridan Mullers EAW career and on her last night on Dynasty she ended Dustin Benningtion's run on the show. After her match with Kilimanjaro, she was told due to the loss to her in 5 seconds, Kilimanjaro left the company. At SSW's PPV: Supremacy, Nova added Jun Nobunaga to her Hit List, making the new total: 23 people.

Other Media[]

Nova was a cast member and executive producer of True Vixens and competed on season one of EAW Presents: The Trial; partnering up with Tyler Parker. Nova was also a guest star for a few episodes on AMC's original series: The Walking Dead; in which she played a role as a female savior named Rose. In early July, Tarah was a guest star along side her best friend, Aria Jaxon, in an episode of EAW Cruise Control. Nova has also appeared in four EAW video games, first in-game debuting in EAW 2K15 (DLC) and returning in EAW 2K16, EAW 2K17 and EAW 2K18 (Playable and in GM mode). In OWA, Nova was apart of OWA 2K19 Video Game as a playable character was announced to be in OWA 2K20.



Year Title Role Notes
2016-2018 True Vixens Herself Main Cast (Season 1 - present)
2016-2018 EAW Presents: The Trial Herself Partners with Tyler Parker
2016 The Walking Dead Rose A part of the Negan's Saviors (Season 7 3ep- 13ep)
2016-2018 The Nas & Mstislav Show Herself Recurring Cast (Season 1 - present)
2016-2018 Prank'd!  Herself Host
2016-2018 EAW Cruise Control Herself Road buddy with Aria Jaxon

Personal Life[]


Nova with her husband Nasir Moore (Who wrestles under the name CM Nas )

Tarah Moore resides in Newark, New Jersey with her Husband and their two kids. Due to her childhood life and her up bringing, Tarah is known to be an polytheism; she believes in more than one god. Another thing she took from her Childhood was the fact that she loves Comicbooks and collects them in her space time. Moore's favorite comicbook characters are Harley Quinn, Batman, Loki and Winter Soldier; which is what she bases some of her ring gear off of. Tarah is also known to be a big Horror movie fan; her favorite Slasher film being 1984's The Nightmare on Elm Street. A side from Comicbooks and Slasher films; Nintendo is Tarah's life. She is known to always have her Nintendo 3DS with her for the road.


Nova with Bull Connors (Left) and Gareth Cason (Center)

In early November 2016, Tarah sparked old flames and began dating her longtime friend, Nasir Moore (who's known in the ring as CM Nas in OWA). Together they are parents of two: A son; Bradyn "Brady" Lee Moore (Born Oct. 13th, 2010) and a daughter; Maya Nicole Moore (Born August 29th, 2017). Out side of the ring Moore is also close friends with Stephanie Matsuda (The god mother to Maya), Keelan Callihan, Kenny Drake, Gareth Cason, Bull Connors and Finnegan Wakefield. She was also friends with Brody Sparks till her untimely passing in late October. As a tribute to Brody Sparks, Moore got a tattoo of the "White Pony" logo on the back of her neck. Aside her friendship in the company, Moore looks up to and gets her influences from Diamond Cage and her favorite rival and close friend, Cameron Ella Ava.

In Wrestling[]


  • Ether (Go To Sleep) -- Adopted from CM Nas
  • Rude Awakening (Curb Stomp)
  • Murder City Triangle (Float-Around Shining Triangle)
  • Soaring Suicide X (Phoenix Splash) --- UF
  • The Final Nightmare (Bridging fisherman's suplex precede by running knee strike, to the head of a bent over opponent) (rarely used)
  • Running Punt Kick (rarely used)
  • Last Resort (Codebreaker) (used in WWA/AWF)


  • Downward Spiral (Diving elbow drop to a standing opponent and/or to the outside of the ring)
  • Dash of Novacaine (Steel Post-assisted Tiger Feint Kick)
  • SuperNova (Top rope double knee attack)
  • The KillJoy Buzzer/ The K.J.B. (Bitchmaker)
  • Running T-Spike (Running Enzuigiri outta nowhere)
  • Hypernova (Shining wizard to a cornered opponent)
  • Triple X Drop (Sliced Bread #2, can be used while standing)
  • Crazed Daze (Super Kick) (Is now a common move)
  • Detroit Smash (Springboard Forearm Smash)
  • Mischief Managed (Diving corkscrew stunner)
  • Tarah-Bomb (Sit down powerbomb)
  • The Novascotia (Backbreaking GTR)
  • Crimson Star (Cloverleaf while kneeling on the opponent's back)
  • Lucky 13 (Tilt-a-whirl facebuster)
  • Project X (Pepsi Plunge)
  • PWL aka Pandora's White Lie (Walls of Jericho) used in WWA/AWF
  • Razor Hold (Octopus hold) used in WWA


  • Ronin --- (w/ Damien Walker, Masakazu, Endeavor, Piero & Aten Octavian Amun-Ra) ---In SSW
  • Di Consentes (w/ Cameron Ella Ava & Heart Break Gal)
  • The Sirens (w/ Aria Jaxon & Cailin Dillon)
  • Team Freaks (w/ Zach Genesis)
  • Demon’s Council (w/ Dark Demon, Eddie Mack, Xavier Williams & Lucian Black)

Fan Base[]

  • Freaks/Freakshows
  • The Saviors
  • The Nova Empire


  • The ShockCollar of Hardcore Wrestling/Professional Wrestling
  • The One True Alpha
  • The First Lady of OWA/Olympus
  • Madam Moore
  • Best Woman Alive
  • The Leader of The Saviors
  • The Bat Swinging Slayer
  • The Living Ghost Story
  • Wrestling's Very Own Harley Quinn
  • The Black Wolf of OWA
  • The Leader of Ronin
  • The Murder City Siren (The Last of the Sirens)
  • The Vixen Killer/The True Killer of EAW
  • Leader of the New Age/Women's Division
  • The Heart & Soul of the Women's Division
  • The Woman of your Dreams
  • The ShockCollar of Empire
  • The GM of Empire
  • Leader of The Vixens Division
  • The Wrestler Among Vixens
  • The Harley Quinn of EAW
  • The Original Detroit Vixen
  • The Vixen Legend
  • EAW's Golden Girl
  • Queen of the Freaks
  • Lady Lunatic
  • Queen of Extreme
  • Mad Hatter of Wrestling
  • Lady Youngblood
  • Princess Of Mischief
  • The Pipe-Bombshell of AWF


  • Cailin Dillon
  • Aria Jaxon

Wrestlers managed[]

  • Team Ronin
  • Cailin Dillon
  • Aria Jaxon
  • Zach Genesis
  • Mr. DEDEDE
  • Nasir Moore

Wrestlers trained[]

Entrance themes[]

  • Boss' Daughter by POP Evil (Used from 2013 - 2018 in EAW; Currently used in OWA)
  • Edgecrusher by Fear Factory (Was used in OWA as the team of KILLER ALPHA SQUAD)
  • Paper Plague by Heaven's Basement (Was used in SSW & OWA; June 2018 -- August 28th, 2018)
  • Big Bad Wolf by In This Moment (Was used in SSW & OWA; March 2018 - June 2018)
  • Outta My Mind by B.o.B [The Version without Nicki Minaj] (Used in 2018)
  • Heathens by Twenty One Pilots (June 2016 - March 2018; FPV's only)
  • Wreak Havoc by Skylar Grey (September 2016 to November 2016, used as a member of The Sirens. Was used again at Pain For Pride X on June 24th, 2017)
  • Up In the Air by 30 Seconds to Mars (Hall of Fame Song)
  • Capricorn by 30 Seconds to Mars (Pain For Pride 9)
  • Do It Like A Dude by Jessie J (Rock remix) (Used in WWA)
  • Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold (Used in WWA)
  • Welcome To Bastards Bay by The Bollox (Used her first six months in EAW)

Championships And Accomplishments[]

Omega Wrestling Alliance

  • Open Weight Tag Team Championship (x1) (Won with Bull Connors; From February 2nd 2019 till March 8th 2019: 34 days)
  • OMEGA Heavyweight Champion (x1) (From April 21, 2019 till July 28, 2019: 98 days)
  • OWA TV Champion (x1) (From December 15, 2019 )
  • First Triple Crown Champion
  • Winner of OWA Year One's Hardcore Moment of the Year (With Kenny Drake)
  • Winner of OWA Year One's Feud of the Year (With Kenny Drake)
  • Winner of OWA Year One's Match of the Year (With Kenny Drake)
  • Winner of OWA Year One's Hero of the Year

Strong Style Wrestling

  • FreeBird Tag Team Champions (x1) (Won with Piero; From March 31th, 2018 till May 26th, 2018: 56 days)

Extreme Answers Wrestling

  • Vixen/Woman of the Week (x 21)
  • Champion of the Week (x 2)
  • Segment of the Week (x 1)
  • Promoer of the Week (x 4)
  • Beef of the Week (x 2)
  • Most Valuable Elitist (x 1)
  • Match of the Week (x 2)
  • Vixens Champion (x 1) (From March 21st, 2015 till October 2nd, 2015: 195 days)
  • Specialists Champion (x 1) (From May 28th, 2016 till August 27th, 2016: 91 days)
  • First Vixen to hold BOTH Vixens and Specialists Championship
  • Was involved in the first BlackOut Match w/ Cameron Ella Ava & Won it.
  • Has Beaten Tyler Parker
  • Made it to the Final Four in 2015's Grand Rampage 8 (Along with Brian Daniels, Devan Dubian and Alex Anderson)
  • Has Beaten the Entire Vixens Division at PFP8
  • 3 - 1 at Pain for Pride
  • Retired Cleopatra/Became the new GM of the Empire (From June 24th, 2017 till Dec 1st, 2017)
  • Retired the Last Vixen: Sheridan Muller at King of Elite 2018

Other Companies

  • FWE Hellcats Champion x 1
  • EHW Feminist Champion x 1
  • EHW Hardcore Champion x 2
  • IWA Women's Champion x 2